Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Least expected...The Break up speech

You’ve tried so hard…but you still can’t save it. Somewhere deep inside your heart, you wished you never started this relationship. If only you knew this thing would happen, you could have saved your Baby’s heart… but it’s just too late. That’s the hardest thing you have to do. Gathering all the courage, you are now preparing for a Break-up speech. Excuse me, What!? A Break up speech? Sounds funny though. But hey, Don’t stop… keep on reading.

Recently, in my public speaking class, my lecturer assigned us to prepare a speech for special occasions. Having heard of all those common speeches, he wished for something different and interesting. So, while my mind was flying somewhere out there beyond the blue, I suddenly suggested why not making a ‘Break Up’ speech? Oh well, he liked my idea. Hahaha! But it wasn’t me who delivered the Break-Up speech, Maerynna did.

I must confess that she did well in her speech. It was outstanding. A Break-Up speech for a relationship that lasted for more than 4 years (Hope I got it right. J ). She spoke as if she was talking directly to her Cayang. She started her speech by saying “Sayang…” ;-p It was bittersweet…Everybody was listening attentively, not wanting to miss every single words she said. It kinda touched me… J She mentioned about all those times she shared with him, the cute things they used to do together. This is one of her lines that I could remember “Sayang, remember the time when I was 14, you were sitting next to my aunt and she seemed to never stop talking. You know what? I didn’t pay attention to her at all… I was looking at you… admiring you every single second…”

But, as she spoke further. She then got into her main point. She mentioned how long distance relationship changed her. She went “But now friend, I’m so sorry… I’m no longer the 14 year old girl you used to know…no longer the girl who loved you. Something inside me changed. I have dream to chase…”

It was sad, but I guess that’s how things go. Nothing gold can stay…When there is happiness, there’ll always be times for sadness to take place. When you’ve tried so hard, you’ve given out everything to save your relationship but there seemed to be no hope, sometimes we have to learn to let it go…and move on with life. But remember, moving on with life doesn’t mean that we forget everything in the past. It would be sweet if we have those sweet memories to reminisce and cherish. Let it remain…and appreciate.

Some things can never be replaced; some things are with us for always… I rather love and lose it all than never have those memories to recall. So, if you’re wondering what my ‘Break Up’ speech would be like? I would say… NONE. The day I accepted the fact that it’s time for me to back off, not even a single word will be uttered… WHY? Because I strongly believe that SILENCE IS VERY POWERFUL… My ‘Break-Up’ speech would be a looooooong DEADLY SILENCE…the message would be crystal clear… no phonecall…no words to express… no voice to be heard…not even a single message… just Silence… After all, YOU SAY IT BEST WHEN YOU SAY NOTHING AT ALL…

Sunday, August 21, 2005


Eherm…Eherm *Clears throat* Sitting alone in my room, my mind is flying…thinking what my roommate is doing at his particular hour. She’s somewhere “up” there in Genting Highland. Huhuhu! I always get to spend the weekend alone! I thought of going shopping, only to find out all my friends are busy with the project paper which is due nextweek. Then, a question crept into my mind “Avie dear, aren’t you supposed to be busy with the project too?” Ya… ya… Tell me something I don’t know. But doing all these daily prosaic so called ‘routines’ make me wanna get down on something more fun. Yesterday was fun though. My first swimming class!

Hey people out there, don’t laugh! I know some of you don’t believe that I can’t swim. My friends always look at me in disbelief when I told them I can’t swim. Hey, actually I can swim. The only thing is that I can’t float. Heheheh! Oh well, that’s what my swimming instructor told me. Can swim but can’t float? Huh? Do you guys have even the slightest idea of what’s that supposed to mean? Hehehe! Maybe you would, once when you see me get into the swimming pool..? :p Ok, hold it right there…don’t proceed on with your…imagination. Hehehe!

Anyway, anyhow… since I don’t have other better things to do. Let’s go on with this silent soliloquy of mine. But this time, I wanna make it more…dramatic.

I came upon this article in the newspaper where some kids are telling bout their most embarrassing moment. It was something funny to read and laugh at. Well, at least it makes me forget that I’m bored. Yup, I second them on that idea. When that thing happens to you, it is totally UNCOOL. You just feel like vanishing from this world. But, life doesn’t go that way, does it? We just have to bear that excruciating silence of embarrassment. Haha! I myself have so many memorable (though I’m trying so hard to delete it from my memory.hehe!) experiences of that kind.

Alrite, since I like to embarrass myself whenever I write something in my blog, here it goes! *Chuckles*

It happened a few years back when I went back to labuan to celebrate Chinese New year there. If I’m not mistaken, I just said bye-bye for my SPM that time. I went there with my younger brother. We took a ferry to labuan, so that means we’re going back by ferry to KK too. Ok, how do I start this? Wait a minute, isn’t this supposed to be private? Heheh.. hell, who cares. Ok, that thing happened on the day I was going back to kk. Waiting for the time for the ferry to leave, my brother and I lagged around the small town. Walking here and there…searching for chocolates and other stuff. We left our bags in my aunt’s office coz it was just opposite the jetty. One thing that really annoyed me was, whenever I walked pass this bunch of guys near my aunt’s office, they kept on looking at me one kind. They were probably some workers there. Since I didn’t walk around that far, I kinda walked infront of them a lot of time and they never missed giving me that funny look.I sort of had this uneasy feeling inside. Damn! I was like “Hey.. wassup with this people?” <<“napa? Nda pernah nampak sumandak lawakah?” I jokingly said in my heart.>> PERASAN! Hehe!) But I didn’t give a damn. I tried to act cool, and look cool…Ceh, macam sumandak yang jual mahallah bah. (KONONlah! Hahaha)

And then, it was almost time for the ferry to leave. I went to my aunt’s to get my stuff. I asked my brother to wait for me outside. When I got in the office, I could see through the glass door that one or two of those guys went to approach my brother. I wondered why. But I didn’t go out, I had to wait for my aunt since she still have something to settle with.

Soon after, my brother came in, he came in with the face of trying to hold himself from bursting out laughing. I was like “Why?! Why?! Tell me! Tell me!” I was so curious at that moment! Then he told me…*pause* WHAT DA *toot*!! (Oops! Don’t worry, I don’t say harsh words. I put the *toot* just to make some dramatic effect. Heheh) Can you guess what happened? When those guys went to approach him, my brother thought they were going to kidnap him. (hahaha…adakah sampai macam tu skali? ;p) But then, he was wrong. The guy said something like this and I will NEVER NEVER NEVER forget what he said. Presenting you… the ultimate most embarrassing script!

Guy: “Boy, yang perempuan tadi tu siapa?”

Bro: Kakak sia. (Talking with an innocent look… heheh!)

Guy: Oh…Emm, bukan mau cakap apalah boy, tapikan… tapikan..

dari tadi lagi kami tengok dia tapi nda berani cakap.

Bro: ….????……

Guy: Boy, ko tolong kasi tau kakak ko, DIA LUPA ZIP SELUAR DIA LAH…(!!)

I felt like not going out from my aunt’s office and stay there forever. But since the ferry was about to leave. I took my bags, rushed out and went straight to the jetty without even looking anywhere. I only knew one thing that time – TO GET OUT FROM LABUAN! Ahahahah!

I thought of not going there anymore coz I don’t want to see those guys again.But too bad, I got an offer letter to enter a matriculation in labuan. Making up stories to my mum… finally I managed to ‘persuade’ her. How? I never had to take a ferry to labuan. MAS airlines saved me! Heheheh!