Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Least expected...The Break up speech

You’ve tried so hard…but you still can’t save it. Somewhere deep inside your heart, you wished you never started this relationship. If only you knew this thing would happen, you could have saved your Baby’s heart… but it’s just too late. That’s the hardest thing you have to do. Gathering all the courage, you are now preparing for a Break-up speech. Excuse me, What!? A Break up speech? Sounds funny though. But hey, Don’t stop… keep on reading.

Recently, in my public speaking class, my lecturer assigned us to prepare a speech for special occasions. Having heard of all those common speeches, he wished for something different and interesting. So, while my mind was flying somewhere out there beyond the blue, I suddenly suggested why not making a ‘Break Up’ speech? Oh well, he liked my idea. Hahaha! But it wasn’t me who delivered the Break-Up speech, Maerynna did.

I must confess that she did well in her speech. It was outstanding. A Break-Up speech for a relationship that lasted for more than 4 years (Hope I got it right. J ). She spoke as if she was talking directly to her Cayang. She started her speech by saying “Sayang…” ;-p It was bittersweet…Everybody was listening attentively, not wanting to miss every single words she said. It kinda touched me… J She mentioned about all those times she shared with him, the cute things they used to do together. This is one of her lines that I could remember “Sayang, remember the time when I was 14, you were sitting next to my aunt and she seemed to never stop talking. You know what? I didn’t pay attention to her at all… I was looking at you… admiring you every single second…”

But, as she spoke further. She then got into her main point. She mentioned how long distance relationship changed her. She went “But now friend, I’m so sorry… I’m no longer the 14 year old girl you used to know…no longer the girl who loved you. Something inside me changed. I have dream to chase…”

It was sad, but I guess that’s how things go. Nothing gold can stay…When there is happiness, there’ll always be times for sadness to take place. When you’ve tried so hard, you’ve given out everything to save your relationship but there seemed to be no hope, sometimes we have to learn to let it go…and move on with life. But remember, moving on with life doesn’t mean that we forget everything in the past. It would be sweet if we have those sweet memories to reminisce and cherish. Let it remain…and appreciate.

Some things can never be replaced; some things are with us for always… I rather love and lose it all than never have those memories to recall. So, if you’re wondering what my ‘Break Up’ speech would be like? I would say… NONE. The day I accepted the fact that it’s time for me to back off, not even a single word will be uttered… WHY? Because I strongly believe that SILENCE IS VERY POWERFUL… My ‘Break-Up’ speech would be a looooooong DEADLY SILENCE…the message would be crystal clear… no phonecall…no words to express… no voice to be heard…not even a single message… just Silence… After all, YOU SAY IT BEST WHEN YOU SAY NOTHING AT ALL…

1 comment:

Jane said...

Wow...i just can't stop has a really deep meaning...probably it because i'm having this kind of situation now.....Love your blog...(^.*)